Yr 4 Literacy
- Grammar - Past Tense
- Reading - Recount - Charlie's Adventure
- Grammar - Synonyms - Click here to complete the activity
- Writing - Zoo Description - Click to write a description
Think of all the amazing things you could see at The Zoo
- Grammar - Click here to complete the activity
- Reading - Text Summary
- Book Detective
Find books around your house and click the link to create a list of each book features
- Grammar - Antonyms - Click here to complete the activity
- Reading - Fact & Opinion
- Grammar - Homophones - Click here to complete the activity
- Writing - Procedures - Click here to complete the activity
- Reading - Story Retell
Read a great story and complete a retell of beginning, middle & end
- Writing - Win a Trip to the MOON! Create a short piece of writing explaining...
- What would be the first thing you would do if you landed on the moon?
- Grammar - Adjectives - Click here to complete the activity
¨ Daily Reading books from home - Click here to create Book Review
Think about characters, settings, favourite part, like or dislike of the book.
- Reading - Compare & Contrast - A Trip to the Zoo & Charlie's Advenure
- Reading - The Old Wooden Chest
- Read the text and make a prediction for what you think may happen next in the story
¨ Write a Daily / Weekly journal