Byford Primary School
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36 Clifton Street
Byford WA 6122

Phone: 08 9526 6300

NEWSLETTER 12 September 2024

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NEWSLETTER 12 September 2024

Please assist us in reducing vandalism at the school by contacting one of the telephone numbers listed below if you notice any suspicious behaviour on the school grounds.

Police Non-Emergency

131 444

Mundijong Police

9526 5111

Armadale Police

9399 0222

Education Security

9264 4771 or 9264 4632

Dear Families and Friends,

Welcome to our final Newsletter for Term 3. It is hard to believe that we are nearly at the end of another school term. I would like to congratulate all of our students and staff in Years 1 - 6 for a wonderful Athletics Carnival last week. I was very proud of the high level of participation and the sportsmanship displayed throughout the day. Congratulations to those students who took out individual medals and to Zeus for being overall winners on the day. We are now looking forward to enjoying our ECE Family Sports Day with our Kindy and Pre Primary students and families next week. 


Planning 2025

Part of our preparation for 2025 is class structures and placements. This can often be a stressful time for school staff and families. While we are planning class structures and placements it is important that we have as much information as possible to make informed decisions that best meet the needs of our students and school. Firstly, I ask that any families that are not planning on returning to Byford PS in 2025 to please let the office know. This will ensure that we have accurate projected enrolments and will hopefully reduce the risk of having to restructure classes once the school year commences. Secondly, if you have any class placement requests based on the educational needs of your child please also forward these onto me. It is important to note that with over 400 students it may not be possible to meet all requests, but all will be considered. Please email this required information to and attention it to Jody Harrington.


Edu Dance / Open Night / Book Fair

We look forward to welcoming family and friends to our Edu Dance Concert and Open Night on Monday 16th September. The concert will be the culmination of each classes hard work and practice over the term, and we look forward to seeing each dance. During the concert, the announcement of the School Captains for 2025 will also be made. Following the concert, families are invited into classrooms to see all of the wonderful work students have been doing this term. The Library will also be open for families to visit the Book Fair (opening times listed in Save the Date below). This will be a wonderful way to end a very busy term. We hope to see you all there.


Save the Date – Term 3

Term 3 is looking to be a busy term with sporting events taking centre stage. Here are some important dates to put into your calendar ready for the term ahead.

* Edu Dance is timetabled every Monday and Friday, commencing Week 1

13 September – BSSA Interschool Athletics Carnival

16 September – Edu Dance Concert / Open Night / Book Fair

                        Book Fair Open 8 – 8.45am & 4 – 5pm

17 September – ECE Family Sports Day

                       Book Fair Open 8 – 8.45am, 3 – 3.30pm and 11 – 11:30am after the                         ECE Sports Day

20 September – Last day of Term 3


End of Term

As this is the final newsletter for the term, I would like to wish all of our students and their families an enjoyable and safe term break. School returns for students in Term 4 on Tuesday 8 October.

Jody Harrington


Ph 9526 6300



A big thank you to all the Father's/Caregiver's that came along to our Father's Day breakfast club last Thursday. We hope you enjoyed your bacon and egg burgers and spending time with your children to celebrate you. Another big thank you to everyone who donated produce and their time to ensure this event could go ahead. It was so lovely to see our Byford Primary School community coming together to celebrate the Father's and father figures in our lives. 

We hope you all had an amazing Father's day on Sunday the 1st September with your loved ones and we look forward to celebrating again next year.

Student Support Team

Well done to everyone who participated in our Faction Carnival held on Friday 30th August 2024 and a special CONGRATULATIONS to our medal winners for this year.


What’s been happening in Room 15 – Kindy?

Over the past few weeks in kindergarten, we have been investigating a mini unit on lifecycles. We introduced the concept of living and non-living things and discussed the lifecycles of frogs, butterflies, and plants. In Week 7 we enjoyed a local visit to our wetlands to collect some tadpoles, bringing some back for observation in our science centre.

Tania Hall

Classroom Teacher

Thanks to our fabulous classroom Teachers and Education Assistants, students completed artwork has been proudly displayed in their classrooms throughout the year. Currently our senior students have their work on colour theory showing. They drew monochromatic Chinese vases and painted complimentary colour abstract designs incorporating value scale into it. Junior students have been learning about different artists. Currently showing are their Joan Miro artworks. And in our middle years, students have been learning about different subject matter. On show are some Cezanne inspired still-life’s, Etel Adnan 3-line landscapes and some Sandra Silberzweig portraits. Great work Byford Primary Artists! We look forward to seeing more.

Ms Jasmine Gasper

Music & Art Teacher 


In Room 10 we have been learning about angles.  We built on our knowledge of angle names by focussing on the size.  To do this, we learned how to use protractors!

Keep up the great !

Congratulations and well done to all

students who received Merit Awards. 

Keep up the great work!

Term 3 Week 8
Austin A Seth B Elias B Deegan C Amleki C Kobe C
Vincent F Hamish F Wintah-Lee  Logan H Melody H Oliver K
Logan M Harrison N Tanya N Ryder P Steve S Lily S
Mia T Joshua W

Each month two students are chosen as our ‘Aussie of the Month’ and are presented with a badge, certificate and reward at our assembly.

It is awarded to an outstanding citizen in our school community. 

Contratulations to our winner for the month of September:   Aiden P

Father's Day Stall

Thank you to all that supported the 2025 Year 6 Father's Day stall. It was a pleasure to have the children visit the stall, all using their amazing manners. 

Thanks to the many hands who helped out, especially Anita, Nicky and Olivia. 

We hope all the Dad's, Grandads and other Father figures had a wonderful day.

Sausage Sizzle

An amazing $1038 was raised from our sausage sizzle at the faction athletics carnival.  We hope you enjoyed your tasty lunch.  A BIG thankyou to the Meat Machine for the sausages, Woolworths Byford for the hot dog rolls and Alberti Realty (Fleay family) for the water and sauces.  Every donation is really appreciated. Well done to all those who volunteered their time to make this day a great success.  THANK YOU!


Zooper Dooper Thursdays


Zooper Doopers are continually being sold on Thursdays for 50c each.  We’re always in need of Zooper Doopers to continue this fundraising venture and are very appreciative of donations.  If you can help, please drop Zooper Doopers to the senior block.


Containers for Change

We’ve joined the Containers for Change team to raise money for the year 6 camp, whilst helping to make a real difference to the environment.  This will roll over to  the Year 6 Fundraising Committee every year.  Donation bins have been placed in the undercover, blue court and pre-primary areas for students to donate their used water/drink bottles, juice and milk boxes (please look out for the 10c icon on the side of the container).  If you wish to donate containers from your household, please quote our Scheme ID #C10425624 when you drop off your containers to the recycle drop-off points and the funds will automatically get deposited into our fundraising account.


The Byford Primary School Canteen is open for recess and lunch on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Orders can be made direct to the canteen, or through QuickCliq

If you have any spare time on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday, volunteers are required to help in the canteen.

New Canteen Menu available here: 

Uniform Shop


The P&C are excited to tell you all that the uniform shop now accepts Afterpay Payments

Our uniform shop is volunteer run to keep our school uniform prices as low as we can. Adding Afterpay as a payment option allows you to pay off your purchase over 4 payments (payments payable every 2 weeks)

Haven't got Afterpay??? Sign up here 

* Not available for QuickCliq purchases *

QuickCliq is our online ordering system and it's an easy and convenient way to order your child’s uniform.  QuickCliq is approved by the Department of Education, it’s free, safe and secure.  You can use Paypal or Credit Card for immediate payment.  You can also use Direct Deposit.  To sign up, click 

If you are unable to order online, order forms can be placed in the dropbox at the Front Office.  Please ensure there is a name and contact number provided.

Orders can still be placed at the Uniform Shop on Tuesday mornings 8:15am - 8:45am or Thursday afternoons 2:30pm - 3:00pm.  EFTPOS AVAILABLE.

Please click here for price list:

To ease the financial burden on families over the year, we encourage parents to make payments throughout the year, to be assigned to fees, excursions and swimming etc. 

This can be as a regular weekly or fortnightly payment, or whenever you have funds available.  See the Admin Staff in the front office to arrange this.  You will be provided a breakdown of payments made, should you require.

Payment options are as follows:

  • Cash
  • Credit / Debit Card over the phone
  • Direct Deposit – Byford Primary  BSB: 633 000 Account No: 192 414 571

Please enter the name of your child and the purpose of the payment in the description field i.e. A Smith Zoo Exc. 

Please DO NOT use this account for P&C payments

School Holiday Opening Hours

West Byford Dental Therapy Centre will only be open on the 24/09, 25/9, 26/9, 30/9, 01/10, 02/10 during the September/October School Holiday.

For Dental Emergencies Only on 27/9, 03/10, 04/10 parents/guardians can contact the Wellard Dental Therapy Centre during the hours of 08.00 and 16.00 on 9553 0610. Should an emergency arise after clinic hours or during a public holiday please contact the emergency service on 1800 098 818, your local practitioner, or the Oral Health Centre of Western Australia on 6457 4400. 

Thank you

Kind regards 


Jeanet and Carissa. 

West Byford Dental Therapy Centre 

Court Grammar School – Specialist Sports

We are excited to invite Year 4/5 girls and boys to a Specialist Sports Come & Try Day at Court Grammar School. This event will take place on October 4 and offers students the opportunity to explore our school and experience the vibrant sports programs we offer.

The day is designed to give students a glimpse into life at Court Grammar School sports programs and help them consider us as an option for their high school education. Our dedicated staff and state-of-the-art facilities provide an excellent environment for nurturing young athletes and fostering a love for sports and learning.

Auskick & Superkick School Holiday Programs

Our Auskick and Superkick School Holiday Programs are back for the upcoming school holidays.

Cost for the program is $50 per participant with each location having an All-Girls Auskick and Superkick option. Different venues are offering different dates over the 2 weeks of the holidays, places are limited in all programs.

Auskick Ages: PP-Yr 2 (5 - 7 Years Old)

Superkick Ages: Yr 3-6 (8 - 12 Years Old)

South Fremantle - Holiday Program: South Fremantle – Honeywood Oval, Wandi




A ‘No Hat, Limited Outside Play’ policy is enforced at Byford Primary School all year.  Parents can assist us by reinforcing the need for protection from the sun by ensuring that students have a wide brim hat. Hats can be purchased through the school uniform shop next to Room 3.  Students who do not have a hat are instructed to play under sheltered areas such as the Undercover Area near the canteen. Caps are not acceptable as they do not provide adequate protection to the ears and back of the neck from the sun.