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- Byford Primary News
- Principal's Report
- Room 12
- Room 9 & Science
- Running Club
- Interschool Cross Country
- Faction Footy - Lunchtime Competition
- Office Displays
- Merit Certificates
- Aussie of the Month
- P&C Association & Year 6 Fundraising
- Payment Options for Excursions, Incursions and Voluntary Contributions
- West Byford Dental Therapy Centre
- Don't Forget Your Hat
- Community News
Please assist us in reducing vandalism at the school by contacting one of the telephone numbers listed below if you notice any suspicious behaviour on the school grounds.
Police Non-Emergency 131 444 |
Mundijong Police 9526 5111 |
Armadale Police 9399 0222 |
Education Security 9264 4771 or 9264 4632 |
Welcome back to Term 3. I hope all of our students and families had a chance to enjoy the recent school holiday break. We have hit the ground running with a very busy start to the term, and there is a lot more learning and fun to come. This term we celebrate Book Week and Father’s Day. In addition to this, Term 3 always sees sporting events take centre stage with our Faction and Interschool Athletics Carnivals. Edu-Dance practice is well underway and we will finish the term with our Edu Dance Concert and Open Night in the last week of term.
Projected Enrolments / Planning for 2025
We have reached the time of the year when we start our planning for the following year. At this stage I am just asking if families could please inform the school if they know they will not be returning to Byford PS next year. This information helps us greatly with our planning for staffing and class structures.
In the next Newsletter I will include information on how to submit any class placement requests for your children in 2025.
Kindergarten & Pre-Primary Applications to enrol 2025
Applications to enrol for Kindergarten and Pre-Primary in 2025 were due by Friday 19th July. If you haven’t handed in your enrolment forms can you please do so as soon as possible. As we have commenced planning for 2025 this information helps greatly with planning for class structures and staffing.
Confirmation of enrolment letters and emails for those families that have already handed in their enrolments will be sent out next week.
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)
Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about supports provided to students with disability.
Information provided about students to the Australian Government for the NCCD includes:
- Year of schooling
- Category of disability: physical, cognitive, sensory or social/emotional
- Level of adjustment provided: support provided within quality differentiated teaching practice, supplementary, substantial or extensive.
This information assists schools to:
- Formally recognise the supports and adjustments provided to students with disability in schools
- Consider how they can strengthen the support of students with disability in schools
- Develop shared practices so that they can review their learning programs in order to improve educational outcomes for students with disability.
The NCCD provides states and federal governments with the information they need to plan more broadly for the support of students with disability.
The NCCD will have no direct impact on your child and your child will not be involved in any testing process. The school will provide data to the Australian Government in such a way that no individual student will be able to be identified – the privacy and confidentiality of all students in ensured.
Further information about the NCCD can be found on the NCCD Portal
Save the Date – Term 3
Term 3 is looking to be a busy term with sporting events taking centre stage. Here are some important dates to put into your calendar ready for the term ahead.
* Edu Dance is timetabled every Monday and Friday, commencing Week 1
14 August – Year 6 School Captain 2025 Speeches & Voting
16 August – Crazy Sock Day (P & C)
Week 6 – Book Week
20 August – Book Week Costume Parade
21 August – Assembly Room 11
27 August – Athletics Carnival: Jumps & Throws
30 August – Athletics Carnival: Full Day
Week 8 – Science Week
4 September – Assembly Room 5
13 September – BSSA Interschool Athletics Carnival
16 September – Edu Dance Concert / Open Night / Book Fair
17 September – ECE Family Sports Day
20 September – Last day of Term 3
Jody Harrington
Ph 9526 6300
This year for National Simultaneous Story Time the story was "Bowerbird Blues". After reading the story with our Room 8 Buddies and the rest of the nation, we went on a scavenger hunt in our play ground and made some Bowerbirds with materials found in the classroom.

In science last term we learnt about wind, solar, and nuclear power. We learnt that wind power was produced by wind in the hills where the wind would spin windmills and then create energy using the wind turbines. The solar power was produced by solar panels in solar farms, when the sun would hit the solar panels it would produce energy, and the nuclear power was produced by protons, neutrons, and uranium atoms all together.
In pairs, we made posters about one of the three different powers: wind, solar and nuclear. We went online on a shared word document and then we typed down notes and created a diagram displaying how the power we chose would work.
Once we finished researching, we had to get a piece of A4 paper, cut it up into squares and rectangles so we could write our information of our wind, solar, or nuclear power from our saved word document neatly onto the cut-up pieces of paper.
After writing all the information and drawing the diagram on the pieces of A4 paper we had to get a card to make a border for each set of information that was written down. Once that was done, we had to glue all the pieces of paper onto a big piece of card so there was a border on each set of information stuck on to a big piece of card.
All of room nine enjoyed learning about the different types of powers and creating the posters.

Do you like running? Are you up for a challenge?
Miss Timms is starting a school Running Club on Tuesday mornings before school from 8am to 8:30am.
Students will run laps of the oval and their lap distances will be recorded.
Our school goal is to work together as a team to run a combined total of 2027kms! This is the distance from Byford to Broome!
If you are interested come to school early on a Tuesday morning and meet Miss Timms on the oval, ready to run and join in the fun!
On Thursday 20th June, the top running students from Year 3 to Year 6 travelled to Serpentine Pony Club to compete in the Interschool Cross Country Competition.
We were lucky to have a beautiful morning for our students to run the 1000m & 1500m track through the bush around the equestrian track. We are very proud of our students with a huge congratulations to all competitors for running and completing the cross-country course. It is a great achievement, well done!
Congratulations to three of our students who placed in the top three for their event.
In First Place for Year 3 boys – Cooper P
In Third Place for Year 4 girls – Eva D.V
In First Place for Year 4 boys – Tyler W
Placing in the top three for their age group is a significant achievement for these three students and we are very proud of their efforts.
Overall, Byford enjoyed a successful day and placed in third place which is a fantastic result.
During Term 2 students in Year 4, 5 & 6 competed in their Factions playing AFL 9’s Football.
Each faction played each other twice for students to enjoy 6 games of football during their lunchtimes.
It was fantastic to see many students having a go at playing football and joining in the fun representing their faction.
A big congratulations and thank you to our 4 Faction Captains, Arhum in Venus, Blake in Mercury, Jayden in Zeus and Serene in Apollo for all their organisation, team selections and substitutions each game. This great team was led by the guidance and expertise of Mr G. An excellent job completed by all. Well Done!
At the end of the competition, Mercury played Zeus in the Grand Final with Mercury triumphant 31pts to 8pts.
A huge congratulations to Mercury! With a special mention for Aiden P who was named ‘Best on Ground’ for the Grand Final!

This Term the students in Room 11 have been learning about sequencing and counting. We used the story of "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" to consolidate the days of the week and our counting skills.

Kindy students have been learning about famous artists and were inspired to create their own masterpiece.

Keep up the great !
Congratulations and well done to all
students who received Merit Awards.
Keep up the great work!
Term 2 | Week 10 | ||||
Samara | Ashanti | Liliana | Chevelle | Alina | Yalda |
Xander | Delilah | Ethan | Wesley | Jaysen | Aubree |
Mila | Elise | Everly | Skyla | Piper | Kobe |
Dustin | Annabelle | Beau | Oliver | Ekam | Kyrah |
Axl |
Term 3 | Week 2 | ||||
Georgia | Blake | Eleanor | Jaxon | Ivy | Lucas |
Olivia | Hudson | William | Nicholas | Cooper | Alyana |
Ava | Kailanna | Nahla | Brookttyn | Foxtyn | Francesca |
Liliana | Ryder | Liam | Khyson | Ella | Alivia |
Brianna | Xander | Logan | Willow | Oliver |
Each month two students are chosen as our ‘Aussie of the Month’ and are presented with a badge, certificate and reward at our assembly.
It is awarded to an outstanding citizen in our school community.
Congratulations to the Nooana family on winning the Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite.
Thank you to all those families who have paid the voluntary contributions for 2024.
Pizza & PJ Day
During term 2 the P & C organised a delicious Pizza Day and a fun Pjama Day. We would like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who supported these events, which raised $955.
Crazy Sock Day
Zooper Dooper Thursdays

Zooper Doopers are continually being sold on Thursdays for 50c each. We’re always in need of Zooper Doopers to continue this fundraising venture and are very appreciative of donations. If you can help, please drop Zooper Doopers to the senior block.
Containers for Change
We’ve joined the Containers for Change team to raise money for the year 6 camp, whilst helping to make a real difference to the environment. This will roll over to the Year 6 Fundraising Committee every year. Donation bins have been placed in the undercover, blue court and pre-primary areas for students to donate their used water/drink bottles, juice and milk boxes (please look out for the 10c icon on the side of the container). If you wish to donate containers from your household, please quote our Scheme ID #C10425624 when you drop off your containers to the recycle drop-off points and the funds will automatically get deposited into our fundraising account.
The Byford Primary School Canteen is open for recess and lunch on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Orders can be made direct to the canteen, or through QuickCliq
If you have any spare time on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday, volunteers are required to help in the canteen.
New Canteen Menu available here:
Uniform Shop
The P&C are excited to tell you all that the uniform shop now accepts Afterpay Payments.
Our uniform shop is volunteer run to keep our school uniform prices as low as we can. Adding Afterpay as a payment option allows you to pay off your purchase over 4 payments (payments payable every 2 weeks)
Haven't got Afterpay??? Sign up here
* Not available for QuickCliq purchases *
QuickCliq is our online ordering system and it's an easy and convenient way to order your child’s uniform. QuickCliq is approved by the Department of Education, it’s free, safe and secure. You can use Paypal or Credit Card for immediate payment. You can also use Direct Deposit. To sign up, click
If you are unable to order online, order forms can be placed in the dropbox at the Front Office. Please ensure there is a name and contact number provided.
Orders can still be placed at the Uniform Shop on Tuesday mornings 8:15am - 8:45am or Thursday afternoons 2:30pm - 3:00pm. EFTPOS AVAILABLE.
Please click here for price list:
To ease the financial burden on families over the year, we encourage parents to make payments throughout the year, to be assigned to fees, excursions and swimming etc.
This can be as a regular weekly or fortnightly payment, or whenever you have funds available. See the Admin Staff in the front office to arrange this. You will be provided a breakdown of payments made, should you require.
Payment options are as follows:
- Cash
- Credit / Debit Card over the phone
- Direct Deposit – Byford Primary BSB: 633 000 Account No: 192 414 571
Please enter the name of your child and the purpose of the payment in the description field i.e. A Smith Zoo Exc.
The West Byford Dental Therapy Centre will be closed from Thursday 27/6/24 until further notice.
For Dental emergencies from the 28/06/24 during clinic hours (8am to 4pm) please phone Woodland Grove Dental Therapy Centre on 9526 4012.
Should an emergency arise after clinic hours or during a public holiday please contact the emergency service on 1800 098 818, your local practitioner, or the Oral Health Centre of Western Australia on 6457 4400.
Thank you
Jeanet and Shayna.
West Byford Dental Therapy Centre
A ‘No Hat, Limited Outside Play’ policy is enforced at Byford Primary School all year. Parents can assist us by reinforcing the need for protection from the sun by ensuring that students have a wide brim hat. Hats can be purchased through the school uniform shop next to Room 3. Students who do not have a hat are instructed to play under sheltered areas such as the Undercover Area near the canteen. Caps are not acceptable as they do not provide adequate protection to the ears and back of the neck from the sun.
Cuddles East Byford NOW OPEN. Visit the website at
Djinda Dreaming Childcare
Winter Netball