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Please assist us in reducing vandalism at the school by contacting one of the telephone numbers listed below if you notice any suspicious behaviour on the school grounds.
Police Non-Emergency 131 444 |
Mundijong Police 9526 5111 |
Armadale Police 9399 0222 |
Education Security 9264 4771 or 9264 4632 |
Welcome back to Term 4. It is hard to believe that we are in the last term of the school year, and it is certainly going to be another busy one with lots of end of year activities and events planned. Check out the save the dates below so you don’t miss any important dates this term.
Staffing Update
This term we have welcomed two new members of staff to our Byford PS team. Firstly, we have welcomed Mr Alex Jackson who is teaching in Room 16, and we have also welcomed Mrs Kiralee Holcombe who is teaching in Room 4. I know you will all join in welcoming both Mr Jackson and Mrs Holcombe to our school.
Planning 2025
Part of our preparation for 2025 is class structures and placements. This can often be a stressful time for school staff and families. While we are planning class structures and placements it is important that we have as much information as possible to make informed decisions that best meet the needs of our students and school. Firstly, I ask that any families that are not planning on returning to Byford PS in 2025 to please let the office know. This will ensure that we have accurate projected enrolments and will hopefully reduce the risk of having to restructure classes once the school year commences. Secondly, if you have any class placement requests based on the educational needs of your child please also forward these onto me. It is important to note that with over 410 students it may not be possible to meet all requests, but all will be considered. Please email this required information to and attention it to Jody Harrington. Please have your requests to Ms Harrington by Friday 15th November.
Faction Captains 2025
Last term our Year 5 students had the opportunity to nominate for School Captains in 2025, and we congratulate Maiton and Christian for being selected for this role. This term, the focus turns to selecting our Faction Captains for 2025. Any interested Year 5 students are asked to submit a nomination letter to Ms Harrington by Friday 1st November, this will then be followed by speeches which will take place on Wednesday 6th November. Good luck to our Year 5 students. The results will be announced at the End of Year Concert.
Save the Date
With so many activities and events coming up this term here is a list of save the dates for your calendar. Keep an eye out in your children’s school bags and Class Dojo for more detailed information about each event. These will be sent home or placed on Class Dojo closer to each event.
Monday 28 October to Friday 1 November – Swimming Lessons
Friday 1 November – Faction Captain 2025 Nomination Letters due to Ms Harrington
Wednesday 6 November – Year 6 Faction Captain 2025 Speeches
Friday 8 November – P & C Crazy Dress Day
Friday 8 November – Year 6 Camp 2025 Fundraising Committee Meeting (5.30pm School Oval)
Monday 11 November – Remembrance Day
Wednesday 13 November – Assembly Rooms 4 & 5
Thursday 14 November – Byford Community Kindergarten 2025 Parent Information Session
Monday 18 November to Friday 22 November – Year 6 Camp
Monday 18 November – Kindy Messy Play (Blue Group)
Tuesday 19 November – Kindy Teddy Bear Picnic (Blue Group)
Thursday 21 November – Kindy Messy Play (Yellow Group)
Friday 22 November – Kindy Teddy Bear Picnic (Yellow Group)
Tuesday 26 November – Kindergarten 2025 Parent Information Session (Group 1 Blue)
Wednesday 27 November – Assembly Room 12
Thursday 28 November – Kindergarten 2025 Parent Information Session (Group 2 Yellow)
Thursday 28 November – Byford Secondary College Year 6 Orientation
Thursday 28 November - BPS Open Board Meeting (3:15pm School Library)
Friday 29 November – Pre-primary 2025 Parent Information Session
Tuesday 3 December – Blue Group Kindy Concert (2.15pm start)
Wednesday 4 December – End of Year Concert commencing at 5.30pm on the School Oval
Friday 6 November – Yellow Group Kindy Concert (2.15pm start)
Tuesday 10 December – Semester 2 Reports emailed home, Class Lists 2025 displayed
Wednesday 11 December – Year 6 Graduation
Thursday 12 December – Year 6 Graduation Excursion
Thursday 12 December – Last Day of School for all students (Kindy Blue last day Tuesday 10 December)
Jody Harrington
Ph 9526 6300
In Geography, our class has been exploring different continents and how their geographic locations influence their cultures, especially in comparison to Australia. One highlight was our study of Brazilian artist Romero Britto, renowned for his unique take on cubism and vibrant colours that contain elements of pop art. His work has made a significant impact, appearing in collaborations with Disney, Nike, and even at the Olympics.
The students had a fantastic time designing their own interpretations of Britto's style, bringing a burst of colour to their creations. Here are some of their completed works so far!

Mario Tamburri
Classroom Teacher
On Friday 11th October some of our Year 5 and 6 students participated in the BSSA Spring Carnival for 2024. We had a fabulous day with our teams competing in netball, soccer and football tournaments. The students should be very proud of their efforts, they all played very well and had their best performance on display – it was great to see the high level of sportsmanship amongst our students! Well done to everyone involved.

The Kelmscott Show was held on 19th & 20th October and Byford Primary School participated in the Art Display once again this year. Mrs Prosser was very pleased with the volume and variety of work provided. The work was a mixture of classwork and artwork which together formed a colourful, interesting and attractive display.
Keep up the great !
Congratulations and well done to all
students who received Merit Awards.
Keep up the great work!
Each month two students are chosen as our ‘Aussie of the Month’ and are presented with a badge, certificate and reward at our assembly.
It is awarded to an outstanding citizen in our school community.
Containers for Change
Please consider saving your drink bottles/cans and dropping them off to your nearest Containers for Change depot to be recycled and donating the proceeds to the Yr 6 Fundraising Committee. It’s so easy to do, just take your bag of cans/drink bottles to the Containers for Change depot and quote this number C10425624 to the cashier and you’ll be helping the environment and reducing the cost of the 2025 Yr 6 camp. Containers for Change bins are also located at the school in the undercover area. So please remind your child/ren to recycle their juice boxes at lunch time too. The 2025 Fundraising Committee thank you for your continued support.
The Byford Primary School Canteen is open for recess and lunch on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Orders can be made direct to the canteen, or through QuickCliq
If you have any spare time on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday, volunteers are required to help in the canteen.
New Canteen Menu available here:
Uniform Shop
The P&C are excited to tell you all that the uniform shop now accepts Afterpay Payments.
Our uniform shop is volunteer run to keep our school uniform prices as low as we can. Adding Afterpay as a payment option allows you to pay off your purchase over 4 payments (payments payable every 2 weeks)
Haven't got Afterpay??? Sign up here
* Not available for QuickCliq purchases *
QuickCliq is our online ordering system and it's an easy and convenient way to order your child’s uniform. QuickCliq is approved by the Department of Education, it’s free, safe and secure. You can use Paypal or Credit Card for immediate payment. You can also use Direct Deposit. To sign up, click
If you are unable to order online, order forms can be placed in the dropbox at the Front Office. Please ensure there is a name and contact number provided.
Orders can still be placed at the Uniform Shop on Tuesday mornings 8:15am - 8:45am or Thursday afternoons 2:30pm - 3:00pm. EFTPOS AVAILABLE.
Please click here for price list:
To ease the financial burden on families over the year, we encourage parents to make payments throughout the year, to be assigned to fees, excursions and swimming etc.
This can be as a regular weekly or fortnightly payment, or whenever you have funds available. See the Admin Staff in the front office to arrange this. You will be provided a breakdown of payments made, should you require.
Payment options are as follows:
- Cash
- Credit / Debit Card over the phone
- Direct Deposit – Byford Primary BSB: 633 000 Account No: 192 414 571
Please enter the name of your child and the purpose of the payment in the description field i.e. A Smith Zoo Exc.
A ‘No Hat, Limited Outside Play’ policy is enforced at Byford Primary School all year. Parents can assist us by reinforcing the need for protection from the sun by ensuring that students have a wide brim hat. Hats can be purchased through the school uniform shop next to Room 3. Students who do not have a hat are instructed to play under sheltered areas such as the Undercover Area near the canteen. Caps are not acceptable as they do not provide adequate protection to the ears and back of the neck from the sun.
Byford Beatz Disco
Byford Beatz Disco is an over 18’s event that provides a welcoming, safe and inclusive environment for people with a disability who want to make social connections within the community. During the event, you’ll be encouraged to make friends, enjoy a meal and check out our live DJ spinning the decks from 6pm.
This is a completely free event but registration is mandatory.
Support workers and carers are welcome (but please register your details via the ticket link). The Byford & Districts Country Club is fully wheelchair accessible. If the music gets too overwhelming or the dancing gets all too much, we have a large outdoor area for people to cool down and relax. Quiet rooms also available. No strobe lighting will be used.
Byford Beatz Disco – Byford & District Country Club (