Visual Art

Below are the links to Miss Gasper's Visual Art program for each Year Level

Each week after completing a task on the Elements of Art and analysing a piece of art about the weeks chosen element, you will choose an art prompt to complete for your portfolio/journal.

Artists Portfolio / Artists Journal - An artists portfolio is a collection of their work and an artists journal is a book or collection of pages, where each page is filled with their ideas, experiments with media and expression of self.                                 

The minimum requirement each week is a full journal page (drawing, painting, collaging, experimenting) in answer to one of the listed art prompts or you may choose a prompt that develops over the weeks into a fully developed art piece.

Make sure to include a focus on the Element of Art you are learning each week. For any art prompts that require (or you choose to) using temporary materials such as things from the garden, take a photo or make a drawing with labels to show your work.                                            

  • If in any doubt contact Ms Gasper on Class Dojo for clarification, hints & tips or to show any of your work so far and you will be given feedback to continue your work. Included is a Student Self Reflection Rubric to gage your own work habits in the area of the Visual Arts

Year 1 & 2 Activities



Year 3 & 4 Activities



Year 5 & 6 Activities