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- Byford Primary News
- Principal's Report
- Room 11
- Room 3
- Running Club
- Byford Community Kindergarten News
- Office Display - Room 8
- Merit Certificates
- P&C Association & Year 6 Fundraising
- Payment Options for Excursions, Incursions and Voluntary Contributions
- Community School Nurse
- Don't Forget Your Hat
- Community News
Please assist us in reducing vandalism at the school by contacting one of the telephone numbers listed below if you notice any suspicious behaviour on the school grounds.
Police Non-Emergency 131 444 |
Mundijong Police 9526 5111 |
Armadale Police 9399 0222 |
Education Security 9264 4771 or 9264 4632 |
Welcome to the first Newsletter for Term 2. It is set to be another busy term and we have already kicked it off with our school ANZAC Service and Running Club. Thank you to all of the parents and extended families that attended our ANZAC service and/or donated flowers. We were generously supported by many, many donations of flowers this year and it was greatly appreciated. In addition to our teaching and learning program we also have a few events on later this term including the Life Ed Van Incursion, BPS Cross Country, BSSA Cross Country, BSSA Winter Carnival, NAIDOC Week and Semester One Progress Reports . Be sure to check out the important dates at the end of my message to see what else is happening this term.
Semester 1 Student Progress Reports
Your child will receive a Semester 1 Progress Report at the end of Term 2. This progress report will provide you with information on how your child is progressing against the curriculum taught so far in the year. Reports will be emailed home on Tuesday 25 June 2024.
Mother’s Day Stall
The P & C Year 6 Camp Fundraising Committee will be holding the annual Mother’s Day Stall next week, Tuesday 7th May and Thursday 9th May. A timetable for when each class will visit the stall will be posted to Class Dojo. Remember to bring your money along. Gifts range from $2 to $10.
Public School Review
All Western Australian public schools are reviewed every 3 to 5 years by the Department of Education’s Public School Accountability directorate. These reviews give assurance to it’s local community, the Minister for Education and Training and the Director General that the school is operating effectively and delivering high quality education to it’s students. The review further acknowledges the achievements of the school and gives feedback to support the Principal and staff with future improvement planning.
The Principal provides the review panel with a self-assessment of the school’s performance based on evidence gathered by the Principal and staff. Information validated by the review panel is considered before and during the school visit. This forms the basis for the school review report.
The report is provided to the Principal, the Chair of the School Board and the Regional Executive Director.
The staff and I are currently preparing for our Public School Review which is taking place across weeks 5 and 6 of this term. At the completion of the review the final report will be shared with our school community via the school website and schools online. Links will be provided on dojo.
Kindergarten & Pre-Primary Applications to enrol 2025
Byford Primary School is now taking enrolment applications for students entering Kindergarten and Pre Primary in 2025. Both Byford Primary School and Byford Community Kindergarten will be offering a Kindergarten program in 2025. When completing an application to enrol for Kindergarten, parents will be asked to nominate which program they wish to apply for.
Parents of children currently attending Kindergarten programs this year (2024) must apply at the school for Pre Primary placement in 2025 if you wish your child to continue attending Byford Primary School.
Enrolment forms can be found on the school website or collected from the front office. Applications to enrol are due by Friday 19th July.
Save the Date
Here is a list of save the dates for your calendar. Keep an eye out in your children’s school bags and Class Dojo for more detailed information about each event. These will be sent home or placed on Class Dojo closer to each event.
7 May – Mothers Day Stall
8 May – Assembly Room 14
9 May – Mother’s Day Stall
16 May – BPS Board Meeting
22 May – Assembly Room 6
3 June – WA Day Public Holiday
4 June – P & C Pizza Day
5 June – Assembly Room 1
10 to 14 June – Life Ed Van Incursion
11 June – BPS Cross Country
19 June – Assembly Room 7
20 June – BSSA Cross Country
20 June – BPS Board Meeting
21 June – P & C PJ Day
24 to 28 June – NAIDOC Week
25 June – Semester 1 Progress Reports Emailed Home
27 June – BSSA Winter Carnival (Yr 5/6)
28 June – Last Day of Term 2
Jody Harrington
Ph 9526 6300
In room 11 we have been enjoying our 'Story Hat' sessions. Mr H has brought in his magical story hat that helps us tell stories to our friends. It floats around the classroom and when it lands on your head you get to tell a story. We have heard some amazing stories about unicorns, fairies, singing dogs and trolls.

Our annual school ANZAC service was held on Friday 19th April to commemorate ANZAC Day and take a moment to remember all those people who fought in war for our country.
The service was led by our School Captains Aiden and Stirling who did an outstanding job of explaining the importance of ANZAC day and acknowledging all the service men and women who have fought for our freedom and safety over the years. Thank you to our school community for donating flowers for laying during the service. It was great to see our students paying their respects and laying wreaths.
Lest we forget.

These are our “Through the Window” art pieces. This artwork was inspired by our writing program. We have been writing sizzling starts about looking out of a window and seeing something strange or out of the ordinary.
To create these pieces, we used wax crayon to draw our foliage. To create the sky, we washed over the crayon with blue edicol dye. We chose our animal, coloured it and cut it out. The students made the window frame using strips of black card.
The students really enjoyed making this piece and they look incredible!

For Harmony Day in Term 1 week 8 in Italian we talked about things we share between our languages and cultures. Students from Room 7 and 14 learnt that people in Australia and Italy both celebrate Easter, however Italians begin their Easter festivities in February by celebrating Carnevale. It is a fun festival where they dress up in costumes and have fun before the period of Lent in which they don’t eat meat until Easter Sunday. The students have created some beautiful Carnevale masks, just like the ones seen in Italy. Rooms 1, 8, 9, 10 and 13 learnt about words we use in the English language everyday that are borrowed from the Italian language. They have created some word art that you can see below!

Do you like running? Are you up for a challenge?
Miss Timms is starting a school Running Club on Tuesday mornings before school from 8am to 8:30am.
Students will run laps of the oval and their lap distances will be recorded.
Our school goal is to work together as a team to run a combined total of 2027kms! This is the distance from Byford to Broome!
If you are interested come to school early on a Tuesday morning and meet Miss Timms on the oval, ready to run and join in the fun!
Keep up the great !
Congratulations and well done to all
students who received Merit Awards.
Keep up the great work!
Chloe |
Olivia |
Scarlett-Grace |
Zigi |
Olive |
Olivia |
Kohen |
Sasha |
Jax |
Lily |
Grace |
Jasper |
Savannah |
Kiara |
Ava |
Ashton |
Connor |
Cooper |
Brayden |
Mia |
Hudson |
Amayah |
Victor |
Elissa |
Aleena |
Inarah |
Kyan |
Rory |
Jasmine |
Blake |
James |
Connor |
Eva |
Isabella |
Kennedy |
Harvey |
Emelia |
Bobby |
Bentley |
Noah |
Rangitai |
Tanya |
Enzo |
Sienna-Rose |
Chiara |
Bailee |
Joshua |
Frankie |
Macie |
Your Chance to WIN!
School Fun Run Crazy Colour Day
Term 1 ended with a fantastic Colour Run event organised by the P&C Year 6 Camp Fundraising Committee. A huge thank you to Olivia Fleay and her team of parent helpers who worked to organise the Colour Run fundraising event for our students.
The Colour Run afternoon was an awesome hour of fun, running, obstacles and colour!
Click the link below to check out a short highlights video…
Mother’s Day Stall
The P & C Year 6 Camp Fundraising Committee will be holding the annual Mother’s Day Stall next week, Tuesday 7th May and Thursday 9th May. A timetable for when each class will visit the stall will be posted to Class Dojo. Remember to bring your money along. Gifts range from $2 to $10.
Zooper Dooper Thursdays
Zooper Doopers are continually being sold on Thursdays for 50c each. We’re always in need of Zooper Doopers to continue this fundraising venture and are very appreciative of donations. If you can help, please drop Zooper Doopers to the senior block.
Containers for Change
We’ve joined the Containers for Change team to raise money for the year 6 camp, whilst helping to make a real difference to the environment. This will roll over to the Year 6 Fundraising Committee every year. Donation bins have been placed in the undercover, blue court and pre-primary areas for students to donate their used water/drink bottles, juice and milk boxes (please look out for the 10c icon on the side of the container). If you wish to donate containers from your household, please quote our Scheme ID #C10425624 when you drop off your containers to the recycle drop-off points and the funds will automatically get deposited into our fundraising account.
The Byford Primary School Canteen is open for recess and lunch on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Orders can be made direct to the canteen, or through QuickCliq
If you have any spare time on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday, volunteers are required to help in the canteen.
New Canteen Menu available here:
Uniform Shop
The P&C are excited to tell you all that the uniform shop now accepts Afterpay Payments.
Our uniform shop is volunteer run to keep our school uniform prices as low as we can. Adding Afterpay as a payment option allows you to pay off your purchase over 4 payments (payments payable every 2 weeks)
Haven't got Afterpay??? Sign up here
* Not available for QuickCliq purchases *
QuickCliq is our online ordering system and it's an easy and convenient way to order your child’s uniform. QuickCliq is approved by the Department of Education, it’s free, safe and secure. You can use Paypal or Credit Card for immediate payment. You can also use Direct Deposit. To sign up, click
If you are unable to order online, order forms can be placed in the dropbox at the Front Office. Please ensure there is a name and contact number provided.
Orders can still be placed at the Uniform Shop on Tuesday mornings 8:15am - 8:45am or Thursday afternoons 2:30pm - 3:00pm. EFTPOS AVAILABLE.
Please click here for price list:
To ease the financial burden on families over the year, we encourage parents to make payments throughout the year, to be assigned to fees, excursions and swimming etc.
This can be as a regular weekly or fortnightly payment, or whenever you have funds available. See the Admin Staff in the front office to arrange this. You will be provided a breakdown of payments made, should you require.
Payment options are as follows:
- Cash
- Credit / Debit Card over the phone
- Direct Deposit – Byford Primary BSB: 633 000 Account No: 192 414 571
Please enter the name of your child and the purpose of the payment in the description field i.e. A Smith Zoo Exc.
A ‘No Hat, Limited Outside Play’ policy is enforced at Byford Primary School all year. Parents can assist us by reinforcing the need for protection from the sun by ensuring that students have a wide brim hat. Hats can be purchased through the school uniform shop next to Room 3. Students who do not have a hat are instructed to play under sheltered areas such as the Undercover Area near the canteen. Caps are not acceptable as they do not provide adequate protection to the ears and back of the neck from the sun.
Armadale Senior High School - Parent Information Evening
Djinda Dreaming Childcare
Winter Netball