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Please assist us in reducing vandalism at the school by contacting one of the telephone numbers listed below if you notice any suspicious behaviour on the school grounds.
Police Non-Emergency 131 444 |
Mundijong Police 9526 5111 |
Armadale Police 9399 0222 |
Education Security 9264 4771 or 9264 4632 |
Welcome to the Week 6 Newsletter. It is hard to believe that we are over halfway through our first term of the school year, it is certainly flying by. Recently, I have had many students from across the school visit me in my office to showcase some of the learning they have been doing in class. I have been particularly impressed with the quality of the Narrative and Persuasive writing that many of our students are producing. The students are using interesting and varied vocabulary which makes their stories a pleasure to read. Congratulations to those students for their exceptional writing and I thank them for sharing their learning with me.
Our Year 3 and 5 students will begin their NAPLAN assessments next week. The testing period is open between Wednesday 13 March and Monday 25 March. A timetable of scheduled testing times for each class will be posted to class dojo. All of the Year 5 assessments will be online, Year 3 Reading, Language Conventions and Numeracy will be online, Writing will continue to be a paper test again this year. If your child is absent on an allocated testing day, Catch-Up tests will be administered throughout the testing period. Good luck to all of our Year 3 and 5 students.
BSSA Summer Carnival
Good luck to selected Year 5 and 6 students who made the Basketball, Cricket and T-Ball teams for the interschool Summer Carnival this Friday. We hope you enjoy the day and we know you will make us all proud by showing the Byford Way in competition. Thankyou to Ms Timms, Mr G and Mrs Smith for training the students and accompanying them on the excursion.
P & C Quiz Night
A big thank you to our P & C for organising the recent Quiz Night for our school. It was a successful fundraising event and a very fun evening. We were blown away by the generous support from our school and community who donated an incredible amount of prizes for us to raffle and auction on the night. A list of all of our amazing and generous community supporters is included in this Newsletter. THANK YOU!!
Jody Harrington
Ph 9526 6300
Room 2 have been using our new Writing Program "7 Steps for Writing". We have been learning how to make Writing exciting by adding a "Sizzling Start". Check out these amazing examples!

This term in Room 10's Health lessons, we are learning about Role Models and Self-Identity. The goal of this unit is to help students think about the function that role models play in establishing their self-identity. To do this, we first looked at who we are now and what makes us unique. We then travelled into the future to imagine what our future identities might be like. This created a great discussion around how much of our identity is shaped by our current role models, and the experiences we are having in our lives now.

ns and well done to all
students who reeived Merit Awards.
Keep up the great work!
Congratulations and well done to all
students who received Merit Awards.
Keep up the great work!
David |
Jaaziah |
Ava |
Emily |
Cohen |
Indiana |
Florence |
Scarlett |
Riley |
Avaya-Lee |
Everly |
Hayden |
Nahla |
Bianca |
Lily |
Cohen |
Natalie |
Ariana |
Khyson |
Olive |
Max |
Ruby |
Freya |
Luka |
Tamika |
Aiden |
Levi |
Alexander |
Trayke |
Taylor |
Lainey |
Amleki |
Joshua |
Adaline |
Judd |
Nate |
Hunter |
Arlo |
Quiz Night
Our Quiz Night on Saturday 24th February was a huge success and we would like to say thank you to everyone who supported the event.
Year 6 Camp Fundraisers
Zooper Dooper Thursdays
Zooper Doopers are continually being sold on Thursdays for 50c each. We’re always in need of Zooper Doopers to continue this fundraising venture and are very appreciative of donations. If you can help, please drop Zooper Doopers to the senior block.
Containers for Change
We’ve joined the Containers for Change team to raise money for the year 6 camp, whilst helping to make a real difference to the environment. This will roll over to the Year 6 Fundraising Committee every year. Donation bins have been placed in the undercover, blue court and pre-primary areas for students to donate their used water/drink bottles, juice and milk boxes (please look out for the 10c icon on the side of the container). If you wish to donate containers from your household, please quote our Scheme ID #C10425624 when you drop off your containers to the recycle drop-off points and the funds will automatically get deposited into our fundraising account.
The Byford Primary School Canteen is open for recess and lunch on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Orders can be made direct to the canteen, or through QuickCliq
If you have any spare time on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday, volunteers are required to help in the canteen.
New Canteen Menu available here:
Uniform Shop
The P&C are excited to tell you all that the uniform shop now accepts Afterpay Payments.
Our uniform shop is volunteer run to keep our school uniform prices as low as we can. Adding Afterpay as a payment option allows you to pay off your purchase over 4 payments (payments payable every 2 weeks)
Haven't got Afterpay??? Sign up here
* Not available for QuickCliq purchases *
QuickCliq is our online ordering system and it's an easy and convenient way to order your child’s uniform. QuickCliq is approved by the Department of Education, it’s free, safe and secure. You can use Paypal or Credit Card for immediate payment. You can also use Direct Deposit. To sign up, click
If you are unable to order online, order forms can be placed in the dropbox at the Front Office. Please ensure there is a name and contact number provided.
Orders can still be placed at the Uniform Shop on Tuesday mornings 8:15am - 8:45am or Thursday afternoons 2:30pm - 3:00pm. EFTPOS AVAILABLE.
Please click here for price list:
To ease the financial burden on families over the year, we encourage parents to make payments throughout the year, to be assigned to fees, excursions and swimming etc.
This can be as a regular weekly or fortnightly payment, or whenever you have funds available. See the Admin Staff in the front office to arrange this. You will be provided a breakdown of payments made, should you require.
Payment options are as follows:
- Cash
- Credit / Debit Card over the phone
- Direct Deposit – Byford Primary BSB: 633 000 Account No: 192 414 571
Please enter the name of your child and the purpose of the payment in the description field i.e. A Smith Zoo Exc.
A ‘No Hat, Limited Outside Play’ policy is enforced at Byford Primary School all year. Parents can assist us by reinforcing the need for protection from the sun by ensuring that students have a wide brim hat. Hats can be purchased through the school uniform shop next to Room 3. Students who do not have a hat are instructed to play under sheltered areas such as the Undercover Area near the canteen. Caps are not acceptable as they do not provide adequate protection to the ears and back of the neck from the sun.
Swimming Lessons Near You
Winter Netball
Centrals Junior Football
Grasshopper Soccer